18th Raisa Gorbacheva
Memorial Meeting


Dear colleagues! Dear friends! Ladies and gentlemen!

It is our great honor and pleasure to welcome you at the 18th Raisa Gorbacheva Annual Memorial Meeting on Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Gene and Cellular Therapy in Saint Petersburg. We continue the tradition of the Symposium initiated by Boris Afanasiev in 1990. The Symposium has become a platform for multidisciplinary knowledge exchange in the field of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, bone marrow donation, rehabilitation, nursing care in a transplant clinic, development and application of gene & cellular therapy products. We have prepared a unique and comprehensive program that covers many aspects of research and will be of interest not only to specialists in the field of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, hematology, oncology, transfusion medicine, rehabilitation, molecular and cell biology, but also to all those who work with a difficult category of patients after transplantation.

We would like to acknowledge all the experts who agreed to share the latest data in the field of transplantation, gene & cell therapy. We wish you an enjoyable and productive meeting, fruitful contacts and reaching our common goal – to maximize patient access to modern therapies and cure cancer.


18th Raisa Gorbacheva Annual Memorial Meeting
«Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Gene and Cellular Therapy»

Registration is mandatory for all participants. Upon registration the attendee receives a unique User ID and is granted access to his/her user account on the website. Participants who attend the Symposium in-person will get a name badge with the unique QR-code pre-printed and will have it scanned each time when entering or exiting the conference room. Online attendees will use their User ID to get access to the live stream.

Учет присутствия осуществляется с помощью программного обеспечения. Система проведения онлайн-трансляции фиксирует активное время подключения пользователя по неизменному индивидуальному User ID. Контроль присутствия он-лайн слушателей будут обеспечивать интерактивные окна контроля присутствия, всплывающие на странице трансляции мероприятия через разные временные интервалы. Условия подтверждения присутствия считаются выполненными слушателем, если слушатель подтвердил присутствие в более чем 85% опросов.

Вход на трансляцию осуществляется не ранее, чем за 1 час до ее начала. При завершении трансляции, сеанс у всех присутствующих прекращается.

The documentation package of the Symposium is submitted to the Commission for the Evaluation of Continuing Medical Education (CME) Training Activities and Materials.



In order to submit your abstract, you need to get registered at the Symposium.

The most outstanding abstracts will be selected for a short presentation and awarded with travel grants. Top-5 abstracts will be selected. In the areas of rehabilitation, fundamental research and bone marrow registries the best abstracts will be selected outside the main competition.


The abstract should be written and submitted in Russian and English

The abstract must contain the following information:

  • Title,
  • Full name and surname of all co-authors; the middle name may be abridged (e.g., Olga B. Ivanova, Ольга Б. Иванова),
  • Full name of the institution the authors are affiliated with,
  • Contact details of the main author (Tel. number, E-mail address),
  • 3-8 key words,
  • Total length of the abstract must not exceed 500 words (3600 symbols),
  • Acceptable formats for abstracts: doc or txt, for images – pdf, jpeg, gif. All the images must be made part of the text file to facilitate the reviewing process and also uploaded using a designated window in the attendee’s user account.

The abstracts may be supplemented with 1-2 figures/images/tables arranged as follows:
  • All figures/images are to be numbered sequentially, using Arabic numerals,
  • Recommended image resolution: at least 300 dpi,
  • Each table and image should be displayed with a clear and concise title that explicitly explains the content of it,
  • All abbreviations used in the table or image/figure, a footnote or a legend must be spelled out in full,
  • The text of the abstract may contain common abbreviations. Spell out the full term at its first mention (except standard units of measurement (e.g. mg, ml), indicate its abbreviation in parenthesis and use the abbreviation from then on. Avoid abbreviations in title.


The recommended layout and format for pre-printed poster presentations:

  • Poster size: 90 cm (width) x 130 cm (height),
  • The font size may vary from 24pt to 42pt,
  • Use the maximum font size for the heading, next in size – for the subheadings, the smallest one for the text of the poster report.

  • Orientation: Vertical,
  • Horizontally oriented posters cannot be mounted on the boards and therefore will not be accepted,
  • Fit your poster on one page only and strictly follow the recommended sizing.

The poster report must contain the following information
  • Title of the poster report,
  • Background/Goals and objectives,
  • Methods and materials,
  • Findings (charts, tables, figures allowed),
  • Discussion,
  • Conclusion,
  • References (up to 5), cited literature.

All the co-authors must be indicated in the report. All the co-authors must be indicated in the report. The report should be written and submitted in Russian and English.

AUGUST 10, 2024
AUGUST 30, 2024

Abstracts must be submitted online through the Abstract Submission System in your user account.

The authors of the abstracts selected for oral poster presentations will be offered travel grants (travel & accommodation covered).



Please note that registration does not automatically guarantee that you will be offered travel grant. A registered attendee will have free access to a live stream and conference content.

The Organizing Committee is delighted to offer travel grants that cover the cost of attendee’s flight or railway ticket (economy class) for round trip travel. Hotel arrangements (breakfast included) for the dates of the Symposium will also be made on your behalf. Transfer between the airport/railway station and the hotel as well as other costs must be settled by the attendees. Abstract reviewers consider a number of variables in rating the abstracts for selection and 10 most outstanding abstract will be offered travel grants. In the areas of rehabilitation, fundamental research and bone marrow registries the best abstracts will be selected outside the main competition.

In addition, 2 (two) travel grants will be offered to the most active transplantation or CAR-T center, with one position offered either to a clinician or to a nurse.


14.09.2023 День генной и клеточной терапии.
В рамках научной программы «День генной и клеточной терапии» (зал «Стрельна») — необходимо отреагировать на 8 из 9 окон контроля присутствия. Общая продолжительность просмотра ОМ составляет не менее 410 мин

В рамках научной сессии медицинских сестер ПРЕ-Симпозиум день (зал "Выборг") - необходимо отреагировать на 4 из 5 окон контроля присутствия. Общая продолжительность просмотра ОМ составляет не менее 175 мин

«Трансплантация гемопоэтических стволовых клеток» День 1.
В рамках научного Симпозиума "Трансплантация гемопоэтических стволовых клеток ("Концертный зал") - необходимо отреагировать на 10 из 11 окон контроля присутствия. Общая продолжительность просмотра ОМ составляет не менее 440 мин

«Трансплантация гемопоэтических стволовых клеток» День 2.
В рамках научного Симпозиума "Трансплантация гемопоэтических стволовых клеток ("Концертный зал") - необходимо отреагировать на 8 из 9 окон контроля присутствия. Общая продолжительность просмотра ОМ составляет не менее 385 мин.



Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.


Первый Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет имени академика И.П. Павлова, НИИ детской онкологии, гематологии и трансплантологии имени Р.М. Горбачевой, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

НКО «Фонд развития трансплантации костного мозга», Санкт-Петербург, Россия


КУЛАГИН Александр, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

ЗУБАРОВСКАЯ Людмила, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

МОИСЕЕВ Иван, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

ПОПОВА Марина, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

ПЕВЦОВ Дмитрий, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

ЧУХЛОВИН Алексей, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

МИХАЙЛОВА Наталья, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

МОРОЗОВА Елена, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

ВОЛКОВА Алиса, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

ВИТРИЩАК Алина, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

ГОЛОЩАПОВ Олег, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

ЛЕПИК Кирилл, Санкт-Петербург, Россия


Отель «Олимпия Гарден»
Батайский пер., 3А, Санкт-Петербург

Теl.: +7 (812) 335-22-70
E-mail: reservations@wone-hotels.com